
Global capabilities combined with local expertise.


We are professionals

A company overview (also known as company information or a company summary) is an essential part of a business plan. Your company overview should be exactly what it sounds like: an overview containing all of the most important points about your company. It usually appears after the executive summary.


This is typically the shortest chapter of a business plan document, but that doesn’t reduce its importance. If you’re presenting this plan to people outside of your company, this is your opportunity to introduce yourself and your business, and you are going to want to put your best foot forward.’

Imagine that the person reading your business plan document has never heard of you, and doesn’t know anything about your business.

What should be their take-away? What do they need to remember about you and your company?

When composing this section of your business plan, focus on the highlights: who you are as the founder and owner, other prominent team members, your product or service, and why it is unique. Think of this chapter as the “who, what, when, where, and why” of your business. 

Frequently asked questions

Team Karhukopla is a small hunting group of young men from all over Finland. All come with generations of hunting within their families as a tradition. What comes to a different game, we are interested in all type of game we have in Finland. However, we mainly specialize in hunting big game and bear hunting in Finland. We are very active by using different dogs, and most common dog breeds are the ones used for the big game hunting. We have Norwegian elk dogs, plotthounds, American foxhounds, dachshund, Finnish Spitz among others within Team Karhukopla. 

No. We don´t offer any commercial hunting or invitations to join hunting with us. 

Yes. We are open to new partnerships, but at the same time, we are selective with who we partner. Before we decide on a new partnership, we test the equipment that is suitable for our demanding hunting and environment. If you are interested in the partnership, please send us an email to

We hunt around Finland depending on the game. We are specialised into bear hunting since the majority of our team are from North Karelia which is a province in North-East of Finland bordering Russia. Bear and wolf population is in tens of thousands in Russia and in Finland, we have thousands with the highest density in North Karelia where we hunt bears. North Karelia has the most quota for bear hunting every year in Finland. Every year in Finland we have an average of 200-300+ licenses for bear hunting.